Mercury Retrograde Diary :Days 3 and 4
So I have been terrible with keeping up on this Mercury Retrograde Diary!
Well, it is day 12 out of something like 21 days, I think. (What's going on! I don't care for details right now!) :) -andI don't want to edit this after I type so enjoy the typos :D
Well, here is some news that I believe has something to do with mercury retrograde: Yesterday, and for about a week or two, but mostly yesterday, I really wanted to play the guitar. I used to play when I was 12 to 14 years old and would play a little bit here and there when I was 16 to 20 years old.
Well, I wished I had a guitar. I thought about the money that I actually can not spare to get one right now.... so I just wished and forgot about it.
Then Today! I found one for free! It was put on on trash day in my neighborhood. I was walking by it and say a guitar case. I thought, "No.. it's just the case, it's not like there would be a guitar in there!" I almost passed it, but just had to look, and there it was! So I took it. (By the Way, it is Not illegal to take trash from the sidewalk, I actually checked on this, once it is out on the curb, it is on public property and nobody owns it, plus everyone knows the drill: you don't want something, that you could care less about, yet it just might be worth it to someone, so you put it out on the curb and are happy to have someone take it. That's how things work around here. :)
So it was my lucky day I felt. Besides, feeling kind of strange all day from zero hours of sleep.
It's because I drank a coffee last night and I am one who should Not drink coffee, it keeps me up all night, but what the heck, the sun is in Leo, it's time to party, right?
Anyhow, I had to fix the guitar as it was perfectly busted in a way that a little superglue and lots of packing tape fixed it good enough for me.
So I'm tuning it and am going to try to remember some songs.
And I also did dream of having a new instrument about 2 days ago, so this was just meant to be. Plus I almost didn't go that route where I found it. but I got a strong feeling too!
Friday, July 27, 2012
Thursday, July 19, 2012
My Mercury Retrograde Diary: Days 3 & 4
When things go wrong, blame it on Mercury retrograde! I wanted to report in a more detailed way of how things are going for me, but thanks to this Mercury retrograde, my schedule had been flopping around with sudden changes one after the other. Short-term notice is the theme of these past few days.
On the Third day, everything went Not As Planned, and there were a lot of plans. Now today, everything went not as planned again!
I may just have toremember to carry a notebook with me and take notes througout the day and update this little diary on the days and hours that I can squeeze in. Right now, I am exhausted, thanks to Mercury retrograde (lol) so I have to go to bed now to prepare for another day of the unexpected.
(I do plan to update these past 2 days with more detail later on...)
forgive me for the many know!
Mercury Retrograde Diary: Day 11....Already!
On the Third day, everything went Not As Planned, and there were a lot of plans. Now today, everything went not as planned again!
I may just have toremember to carry a notebook with me and take notes througout the day and update this little diary on the days and hours that I can squeeze in. Right now, I am exhausted, thanks to Mercury retrograde (lol) so I have to go to bed now to prepare for another day of the unexpected.
(I do plan to update these past 2 days with more detail later on...)
forgive me for the many know!
Mercury Retrograde Diary: Day 11....Already!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
My Mercury Retrograde Diary: Day 2
Last night I made a funny typo on facebook....
Remember how in day 1 I said I was checking my voicemail constantly and yadayada... to get a job I wanted?
Well I have also been checking my email every hour too(and I don't have a smart phone) for inquiries into the job I'm lookng for.
Well last night. I saw that I had a bunch of spam. Usaully when I see that there is over 100 spam emails, I just go and delete it without looking.
I was about to delete it. That's just once click right? But then I got this feeling that I was acting quick, and remebered I that I should be carefull durring this Mercury retrograde. Especially when it comes to emails, and phone calls.
Well, I opened it up, and smothered under all that junk was an email inquiring about the job I was looking for. How strange. I don't understand how it went into the spam section. Good then I checked it.
Well it turns out that I don't want to accept what they offered. I'm worth more than that!
The rest of this day I wrote a lot. Fiction. It's been a while. I used to write a lot of stories and poems all the time, but haven't in a long time. I somehow found the enthusiasm to do it. That's what most of my day was. Reading and writing at home. Though, I did go out earlier. I took a very long walk. I haven't even taken a long walk in a long time.
So reading, writing and walking were a big part of my day. Seems pretty Mercurial to me.
fourth house,
Sunday, July 15, 2012
My Mercury Retrograde Diary: Day 1
I thought it would be interesting to keep a diary specifically focusing on this transit!
So Mercury going retrograde started at 13 degrees Leo which is in my fourth house. My fourth house starts at 3 degrees Leo so most of this transit will be in my fourth house except for the last 3 days, it will be traveling back into my third house.
Well here is what happened starting last night as it was 10:16pm when Mercury started going retrograde:
I went to work at the office around 7:30pm. I didn't have to be there so late, it really was my choice. I could have worked at home, but I just didn't feel like being home. Then around 4:30 in the morning I left, got on my bicycle and started to ride to someone's house that I take care of sometimes while they are away on vacation. I have rode my bike there many times which is the same route that the bus goes and I have taken the bus there over a hundred times.
As I got into the neighborhood I was riding for a few minutes and felt like I passed the turn I was supposed to take. Everything looked so unfamiliar. I actually turned around and backtracked for a couple of minutes until I realized that I didn't go far enough in the first place, so I turned back around. I didn't remember it being this long down the same street, I just kept on riding, waiting for that one street to come up to turn left on.
Again, I thought that I passed it, but knew I didn't. I found the right street. It was so strange how mixed up I felt about directions that should be very familiar to me.
I got to the house and everything was great. Later, I wanted to go to the store. As I was putting my shoes on I ended up looking at the bottom of my right shoe. These shoes are fairly new, but I was surprised to see a chunk in one spot on the sole of this right shoe was worn away! I knew it was because my bike's right peddle is missing and only has that narrow bar to put my foot on but I didn't know it was eating into my shoe....
As I rode home my right foot started to ache. Looks like I may need new shoes. Too bad it's just the right one that is messed up. And yes, this is a wake up call, I should fix that pedal. I've been riding around with one pedal for a year now. Ha ha, I just got so used to it, I hardly know the difference.
So tonight, I checked my voice-mail messages. (I have been checking it like every 2 hours for the last 2 days, being obsessed with getting a call for a job that I want) Every time I checked it though, it would say you have no new messages, which was a bummer to me. But tonight, just an hour ago, I check the voicemail and it says I have a new message. I was happy to hear that it was someone about a job that I have been waiting for. I press the option to hear the date and time they called.
It says they called YESTERDAY at 5pm!!!! I must have check my voicemail like a dozen times since yesterday. I would have called back right away.
Well, I called them back and it went to their voicemail. I hope my chance hasn't been blown from the delay in my response. Wasn't my fault that my voicemail lied to me! lol
Oh, Mercury Retrograde! Look what you did! ha ha.
Previous articles:
Mercury Retrograde Alert!
So Mercury going retrograde started at 13 degrees Leo which is in my fourth house. My fourth house starts at 3 degrees Leo so most of this transit will be in my fourth house except for the last 3 days, it will be traveling back into my third house.
Well here is what happened starting last night as it was 10:16pm when Mercury started going retrograde:
I went to work at the office around 7:30pm. I didn't have to be there so late, it really was my choice. I could have worked at home, but I just didn't feel like being home. Then around 4:30 in the morning I left, got on my bicycle and started to ride to someone's house that I take care of sometimes while they are away on vacation. I have rode my bike there many times which is the same route that the bus goes and I have taken the bus there over a hundred times.
As I got into the neighborhood I was riding for a few minutes and felt like I passed the turn I was supposed to take. Everything looked so unfamiliar. I actually turned around and backtracked for a couple of minutes until I realized that I didn't go far enough in the first place, so I turned back around. I didn't remember it being this long down the same street, I just kept on riding, waiting for that one street to come up to turn left on.
Again, I thought that I passed it, but knew I didn't. I found the right street. It was so strange how mixed up I felt about directions that should be very familiar to me.
I got to the house and everything was great. Later, I wanted to go to the store. As I was putting my shoes on I ended up looking at the bottom of my right shoe. These shoes are fairly new, but I was surprised to see a chunk in one spot on the sole of this right shoe was worn away! I knew it was because my bike's right peddle is missing and only has that narrow bar to put my foot on but I didn't know it was eating into my shoe....
As I rode home my right foot started to ache. Looks like I may need new shoes. Too bad it's just the right one that is messed up. And yes, this is a wake up call, I should fix that pedal. I've been riding around with one pedal for a year now. Ha ha, I just got so used to it, I hardly know the difference.
So tonight, I checked my voice-mail messages. (I have been checking it like every 2 hours for the last 2 days, being obsessed with getting a call for a job that I want) Every time I checked it though, it would say you have no new messages, which was a bummer to me. But tonight, just an hour ago, I check the voicemail and it says I have a new message. I was happy to hear that it was someone about a job that I have been waiting for. I press the option to hear the date and time they called.
It says they called YESTERDAY at 5pm!!!! I must have check my voicemail like a dozen times since yesterday. I would have called back right away.
Well, I called them back and it went to their voicemail. I hope my chance hasn't been blown from the delay in my response. Wasn't my fault that my voicemail lied to me! lol
Oh, Mercury Retrograde! Look what you did! ha ha.
Previous articles:
Mercury Retrograde Alert!
fourth house,
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Mercury Retrograde Alert!
Some people who could care less about astrology and the planets have actually surprised me with their knowledge of Mercury retrograde. Nobody can deny this planets doings while in retrograde! Prepare to lose your keys, get flat tires, get lost, lock yourself out of your car, your home, endure the bus and subway delays, misplace your wallet, have your cell phone and internet act wacky or just plain not work. Also, enjoy the abundance of miscommunication!
You just might miss that email or forget to send one. You might even say things that seem to just slip out of your mouth or even become speechless during moments of expected quick-wit.
Appointments could get mixed up. There just seems to be lots of room for "oopses" and forgetfulness during this 3 week period. Mercury does this 3 times a year and it always lasts about 3 weeks.
Mercury is the planet of communication and quick travels. It rules all means of communication devices whether that is email, the internet in general, home phones, cell phones, the mail service and even your tongue! Mercury also rules all means of traveling be it your bicycle, car, the bus, subway and even your shoes!
This airy mental Planet is also very logical. Thinking quick and brainstorming might not run as smoothly as it should during this time.
If you believe yourself to be immune to Mercury retrograde then good for you. But if you Know that this can mean trouble for the next few weeks, then here are some tips:
Be prepared. Be prepared for traveling delays. Leave a lot earlier than usual. At worst, you will just be early. If you are "immune" to Mercury retrograde, then be patient for the other people who get caught up in delays and keep you waiting.
Double check your emails before you send them. Double check Anything before you proceed with Anything.
Be aware. This is the key.. You can cut your chances of losing things by just being aware of what you are doing at all times. Be aware and you won't end up saying things you wish you didn't say and if you are aware then you will know he right thing to say at the right time. (See links at bottom.)
So what is good about Mercury retrograde?
Mercury retrograde can cause a lot of set backs, but this gives major opportunities to re-think, re-plan, and re-do everything that you did wrong before, but didn't notice until now.
Personally, I like to do a retrospection over my life from these past few months so I can see what mistakes I've made, and correct them during this time in which it is hard to move forward unless you start taking the right steps.
If you are eager to stay on top, get organized, and progress with yourself then this Mercury retrograde will be a great benefit to you if you know how to take advantage of it.
Good luck!
Video: Awareness
Article: An Exercise of Awareness
My Mercury Retrograde Diary: Day 1
You just might miss that email or forget to send one. You might even say things that seem to just slip out of your mouth or even become speechless during moments of expected quick-wit.
Appointments could get mixed up. There just seems to be lots of room for "oopses" and forgetfulness during this 3 week period. Mercury does this 3 times a year and it always lasts about 3 weeks.
Starting today, July 14, 2012 at 10:16pm EST, Mercury will appear to be going backwards from your perspective on Earth. This will last until August 8, 2012 at 1:40am EST
Mercury is the planet of communication and quick travels. It rules all means of communication devices whether that is email, the internet in general, home phones, cell phones, the mail service and even your tongue! Mercury also rules all means of traveling be it your bicycle, car, the bus, subway and even your shoes!

This airy mental Planet is also very logical. Thinking quick and brainstorming might not run as smoothly as it should during this time.
If you believe yourself to be immune to Mercury retrograde then good for you. But if you Know that this can mean trouble for the next few weeks, then here are some tips:
Be prepared. Be prepared for traveling delays. Leave a lot earlier than usual. At worst, you will just be early. If you are "immune" to Mercury retrograde, then be patient for the other people who get caught up in delays and keep you waiting.
Double check your emails before you send them. Double check Anything before you proceed with Anything.
Be aware. This is the key.. You can cut your chances of losing things by just being aware of what you are doing at all times. Be aware and you won't end up saying things you wish you didn't say and if you are aware then you will know he right thing to say at the right time. (See links at bottom.)
So what is good about Mercury retrograde?
Mercury retrograde can cause a lot of set backs, but this gives major opportunities to re-think, re-plan, and re-do everything that you did wrong before, but didn't notice until now.
Personally, I like to do a retrospection over my life from these past few months so I can see what mistakes I've made, and correct them during this time in which it is hard to move forward unless you start taking the right steps.
If you are eager to stay on top, get organized, and progress with yourself then this Mercury retrograde will be a great benefit to you if you know how to take advantage of it.
Good luck!
Video: Awareness
Article: An Exercise of Awareness
My Mercury Retrograde Diary: Day 1
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