Saturday, July 31, 2010
Moon in Aries
The Moon in this fire, war-like- ambitious sign of Aries can get things done in a heart beat. Cuts and burns can be likely if physical actions are too impulsive. Loved ones could tumble into heated arguments, but forgive and forget just as quickly. Difficult situations at this time are tests on your capabilities. Conquer the day! is the driving force. Out of my Way! is the attitude, even if expressed in a passive introverted kind of way. Will power is exercised in all circumstances.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Moon in Pisces
While the Moon is in Pisces, it could be easy to lay awake all night and dream all day. There is a type of creativity in the air that is mixed with nostalgia. Your mood is more deeply affected by music and it is easy to get lost in fantasy world. Whether it is a good book, a television program, a movie, or even video games, there is that flavor in the air that captivates your imagination that makes you want it all to be real. "What's going to happen next?" and "What if...?" are two questions that keep your heart beating. Creating your own world is following protocol.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Moon enters Aquarius
While in Aquarius, I find myself giving extra attention to the electronic things, such as my computer, digital camera, the ipod, and even making use of my non-serviced cellphone to record memos instead of writing the ideas down on paper. Aquarius is the electrical sign. Going through a high stack of old photos and really wishing I had a scanner to save copies and share them with friends over the internet.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Moon enters Capricorn
The Moon entered Capricorn today. Ideas leading to feelings of being more successful with money prevail. Interesting that a conversation with friends turns into rock climbing. A creative moon-like way of discussing how great it is to get to the top while conquering fear. Organizing clutter for the feeling of accomplishment.
Sun enters Leo
The Sun has entered Leo today. Some key words here: Socialize, Create, Express, Party, Friends, Music, Outdoor, Acting, Attention, Strength, Heart, Upper back, Generosity, Yellow.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Moon enters Sagittarius
The moon has entered Sagittarius today. Without thinking about this, I was compelled to take long walks and just wanted to be outside all day. The attitude was to explore. Everything may seem the same, but it is done with setting out on a journey. What made me look at a tree and want to climb it? What made me freely lay upon the grass in the late night and gaze at the stars? I was imagining to have the best telescope someday. Philosophical energies of wondering the how's and why's of outer space prevailed. I felt to be on a quest.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Moon in Scorpio
When the moon is in Scorpio I am very sensitive. I feel almost psychic, but there is this dark tinge to it, like I'm suspicious of everything in the world. I feel like I have to investigate stuff, like uncover the truth. On the dark side, I don't trust anyone and feel like I have to keep myself safe, yet I can still be friendly with people while I feel like I'm interviewing them rather than just talking to them. On the bright side, I am getting more in touch with my inner self and discover things about myself by closing my eyes. Meditation is easy around this time as mystical energies are being projected onto the Earth.
Moon in Libra
I notice when the moon is in Libra, I fuss over my hair a lot in the mirror and always wish I had more money to buy nice things. The money I do have, I like to spend it on things that look nice. My relationship with my husband seems more important. We went on a tiny date, taking a walk in the neighborhood and getting food to take out and eating from the same to-go box under the night sky. It seemed like being romantic was very important. Having a partner is a dream come true, it feels, especially when the moon is in Libra.
Cancer Sun almost over
The Sun being in Cancer is almost over. Just a few more days. This month I have stayed home more than usual with some sudden enthusiastic bursts of energy to go out and just be in the Sun. I have found myself being very talkative with women especially. I have been having strong feelings of missing my family and having memories of my childhood being pretty vivid. I have also been loving food. I have been acting as a food critic too.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Moon in Virgo
Yesterday and today, the lovely moon is in Virgo. I cleaned up a lot, I stayed at home. I read a whole lot too. Last night,I went out to the store really quick and was talkative to a strange lady in line. My intuition was high. I felt crafty. I made several key chains involving super tiny beads. My busy hands were involved with detail after detail!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
My First Astrology Book
I got my first astrology book the summer before I turned 14. There was some special offer I got in the mail to get a few books for super cheap. My mom helped me with this. The Only Astrology Book You Will Ever Need, by Joanna Martine Woolfolk was the biggest book I ever had at the time. It was purple and heavy. I fell in love with the book before I even opened it up! I just had a very good feeling about it. I knew that I would soon be starting on a long and enjoyable journey of knowledge. This was what I needed to learn in life. It felt familiar too. Like astrology was something important to me that I remembered even though I had never known it before. At least in this life time...
My First Astrology Memories

I was about 12 years old when I was with my friends. We were looking into a teen magazine reading some embarrassing stories. On one page it gave horoscopes for the week. I found out that my friend Amy was a dreamy Pisces, Andrea was a materialistic Taurus, and that I was a curious Virgo. The horoscope was very simple. It said something in one or two sentences, like "You will have a funny time with your friends today hanging out at the house."
This was way too simple, but I was hooked on horoscopes since that day. Any magazine or newspaper that I got my hands on, I would right away search for the horoscopes section. I was becoming obsessed. I couldn't start my day until I read my horoscope. This was becoming so important to me. I loved this: Astrology. Yet I didn't know anything about it.
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